Membership is open to anyone 12 years or older, who supports our aims and objectives. You can read our constitution here.
Membership is £1, but if you can afford it we would love it if you could make it £5, £10 or £15 as an additional donation.
By becoming a member you are able to stand for any position in the group, take part in elections, influence the direction and decisions of the group, help make the group more representative and effective in its aims and objectives. It's your organisation.
Downloadable membership form here
Membership forms also available from:
The membership secretary, contact using the main contact form, or write:
Sustainable Shetland Membership
Frank Hay
Sustainable Shetland is a campaign group formed in March 2008 in response to a proposal for a large scale wind farm in Shetland. We believe these large industrial projects are damaging to our environment. We believe that the Viking Energy wind farm endangers Shetland Community Funds, project costs are underestimated and project income grossly over stated.
We believe that the Viking Energy proposals are everything we do not need in Shetland: they are financially risky and potentially damaging to the Shetland environment.
We want to see sustainable renewable energy projects in Shetland which are fit for scale and fit for purpose, and provide real community benefit.
We are not an "anti-windfarm " campaign. However we are strongly opposed to the Viking wind farm proposal. Other projects will be considered on their own merits.