Supreme Court: Financial appeal

At a a meeting of the Members of Sustainable Shetland on Wednesday 6 August at Bixter Hall, it was resolved that an appeal be lodged with the Supreme Court in London following the recent decision of the Inner House of the Court of Session. The decision of the Inner House delivered by Lord Brodie on 9th July overturned the ruling of Lady Clark of Carlton in the Outer House of the Court of Session in September 2013. Lady Clark had found in favour of Sustainable Shetland in its petition for judicial review of the decision of Scottish Ministers to grant consent to the proposed Viking wind farm on Shetland.

Opinion of Lady Clark of Calton

Opinion of Lord Brodie

We need your support to raise the necessary funds. Please consider making a donation to Sustainable Shetland.

Our 800+ members have contributed and raised funds to help cover our legal costs for our initial judicial review, which we won. Unfortunately the Scottish Government appealed this decision. On that occasion they won their appeal, leaving us little option but to take our case to the Supreme Court in London. An appeal is a very expensive business, and we really do need your support in helping achieve justice in this case.

Regular support: standing order

Why not consider setting up a Standing order? A regular payment of £5 a month could make a huge difference. If you wish to support us with a regular contribution please complete this standing order bank form (it's a PDF form with our details filled in) and return it to your own bank. Payee details are:

  • Name of organisation – SUSTAINABLE SHETLAND
  • Payment reference – COURT APPEAL (if you like you can add your telephone number or name as this will help us keep track of incoming donations)
  • Sort code – 83-24-22
  • Account number - 00124384

You can also setup a standing order using the above details through electronic and telephone banking.


You can make payments through PayPal or send a cheque to our Treasurer. For more information contact our Treasurer Elizabeth Jamieson on 01595 695117

We appeal to those of you who support our cause to be generous enough to make either a one-off or regular contribution.

Electronic bank payments

Sustainable Shetland – Sort Code 83-24-22 – Account No. 00124384


Payable to Sustainable Shetland may be sent to our Treasurer:
Mrs E. Jamieson, 34 West Baila, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0SG.

Tel. 01595 695117 for more information.