Sustainable Shetland

Here is our constitution as adopted 18/3/08. This can also be viewed / downloaded as a PDF document



1. The name of the group shall be Sustainable Shetland, (hereinafter called “the group”).

Aims and objectives

2. of the group are:
a. To oppose plans for very large wind farms in Shetland, such as the Viking Energy wind farm development.
b. To support renewable energy projects in Shetland which are fit for scale and fit for purpose.
c. To support social, environmental and economic sustainability in Shetland
3. To fulfil these aims:
a. The group will undertake research, publicity, lobbying and general campaigning activities.
b. Other activities, in furtherance of the aims or for the benefit of the group, shall also be undertaken from time to time as the members see fit.
c. Money shall be raised when necessary for carrying out the aims of the group.
4. As members we believe:
a. That the proposed Viking Energy project would be damaging to the Shetland environment.
b. That the proposed Viking Energy project exposes our community funds to unacceptable financial risk.
c. At present we are concerned that a direct electrical connection from Shetland to the UK mainland would result in the wind farm industrialisation of hilltops throughout mainland Shetland.
d. That the integrity of Shetland's environment, landscape, archaeology and society are important, and should not be treated as mere commodities.
e. That man-made pollution and man-made climate change pose serious risks to ourselves and the environment.
f. That Shetland should promote and support efforts at reducing energy consumption, and support economic and environmental sustainability.


5. Membership shall be open to anyone aged 12 or above, who support the aims and objectives (points 2, 3, and 4) of the organisation. Each member is entitled to one vote.
6. The rate of any membership fees shall be set by the Committee at the AGM.


7. The Group shall be managed by a Management Committee, consisting of not less than twelve and not more than 30 members, elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
8. The management committee shall include Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary and Minute Secretary and such other officers as deemed necessary.
9. The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt as additional members such persons as in their opinion, are able to render special service.
10. The quorum for Management Committee meetings shall be eight.
11. The Management Committee shall meet at least four times a year.
12. The duties of the Management Committee shall be:
a. to safeguard the interests of members by providing the leadership, guidance, policies and managing the finances of the Group.
b. encouraging members to take a full and active part in the running of their Group.
c. devising methods of achieving the objectives of the Group.
d. exercising with the members a general oversight and assisting in the development and extension of activities.
13. The Management Committee may delegate any of their powers to any sub-committee. The rules of procedure for any sub-committee shall be as prescribed by the Management Committee.
14. All office-bearers, the Management Committee and any sub-committees are ultimately responsible to the will and decision making of the Group’s members, as expressed through full membership meetings.
15. A person elected to any office shall cease to hold that office if he/she ceases to be a member of the Group or if he/she resigns from that office by written notice to that effect. In the event of resignation of an office bearer, the Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member to that office until the next AGM.
16. Membership may be withdrawn from any group member, including post-holders and management committee members. This will be by way of a resolution passed by a majority vote of two-thirds of members present at a general meeting of members, providing the following procedures have been observed:-
a. At least 21 days notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed withdrawal of membership[,
b. The member concerned shall be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the general meeting at which the resolution is proposed.
17. A meeting to recall post-holders and management committee members can be called by petition of at least 10% of members of at least 3 months. Recall will be by way of a resolution passed by a majority vote of two-thirds of members present at this general meeting of members, providing the following procedures have been observed:-
a. At least 21 days notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed recall of position,
b. The member concerned shall be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the general meeting at which the resolution is proposed.
Finance and security
18. The Treasurer shall keep an up-to-date record of accounts which will be independently examined and presented annually to the Annual General Meeting and shall also be responsible for the paying in of money to the Group’s bank account.
19. A bank account shall be held in the name of Sustainable Shetland, and shall have a minimum of two signatories.
20. An on-line bank / secure financial account for the purposes of receiving receipts and donations may be operated with the consent of the Management Committee.
21. Funds (apart from automatically deducted charges) may not be transferred out of any on-line bank account without the prior written consent of two office bearers. These funds must be transferred to accounts operated by the Group.
22. Current passwords and user names for all on-line financial and other secure accounts operated on behalf of the organisation must be available to two additional office-bearers on an escrow basis.
23. All monies raised by or on behalf of the Group shall be applied to further the aims and objectives of the Group.


24. An Annual General Meeting shall be held within 14 months of formation of the Group, and thereafter within 15 months of the previous AGM, notice of which must be advertised in a prominent local place and in a local newspaper 14 days before the meeting. The AGM will be open to anyone eligible to be a member of the Group. The following business will be covered at the AGM:
a. Chairperson’s Report
b. Treasurer’s Report
c. Election of new office bearers
d. Any other competent business
25. All questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of those members present and entitled to vote. Each Management Committee member is entitled to one vote. The Chairperson will have a second and casting vote.
26. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened as soon as possible by the Management Committee (but not more than 21 days) after receipt of a written request for such a meeting from not less than one third of Management Committee members, or not less than one third of ordinary Group members of at least three months standing.
27. All office bearers and Management Committee members shall stand down at the AGM but shall then be eligible for re-election.


28. If a majority of members decide, upon whatever grounds, that it is necessary and advisable to dissolve the Group it will call a meeting to discuss such a course of action. Such a meeting will require 21 days notice and shall be advertised locally and reasonable efforts made to contact members. If a majority of those present at such a meeting approve dissolution then the Management Committee will have the power to dispose of any assets held in the name of the project.
29. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be awarded to a local voluntary organisation or local body/bodies having aims and objects similar to those of the Group.

Alterations to Constitution

30. Any proposal to alter this constitution must be approved by a majority of the Management Committee or supported in writing by not less than six persons eligible to be members of the Group and in this latter case delivered to the Chairperson not less than 21 days prior to the date upon which it is to be considered. The Management Committee must then call an Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting as appropriate.
31. Any resolution to alter this constitution will only be effective if approved by a simple majority of those members present at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

Constitution signed by Billy Fox (chair) and Joy Tait, (secretary) on original printed copy and adopted as the constitution of Sustainable Shetland at a meeting in Aith on 18/03/2008 and is certified as a true copy.